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Human Resource departments play a big role in any organization. HR performs different work which is very helpful to every firm. There are millions of company working in this world. Every firm has many different challenges and goals. Every company has group of employees that are working in different departments. Management is very important part of any firm where employees work on proper guidelines in a work place. HR controls all the management activities in every organization. If HR performs its responsibilities in a proper manner then the result will be positive for the company.

In this article, we'll talk about the major objectives of a HR department that gives positive results for an organization.

• How to hire a person for a specific job
• How to handle the staff
• How to make strategic policies
• How to motivate your employees
• How to get maximum output with minimum resources

How to hire a person for a specific job

One of the major responsibilities of HR is how to hire an employee for a particular job. You must know the job description for the job in which you are looking for a person. Short list the people that you think are better for the job and take interviews for those people. You must know the salary that you are offering based on the given resources and then you choose the person that is best suited for a job.

How to handle the staff

HR is must know how to control staff in proper manner. Always monitor employees and check that they are working according to company policies. If you find any issue that is negative then you must know how to resolve these issues. This is very difficult job to manage people equally.

How to make strategic policies

HR must make policies that are positive for the company as well as employees. In company Policies, you must strictly mention the sensitive issues such as religious and political issues are not for discussing at the work place. Make timing and work performance guidelines in the favor of organization. Make performance appraisal, salary increment and bonus policies in favor of employees.     

How to motivate your employees

You must create an atmosphere in which employees are always looking active. Sometimes when results are not positive from the work of employee then you just have skills how to motivate the people.

How to get maximum output with minimum resources

HR must know how many resources they have. You have skills and qualities in which you get high results with minimum resources. Sometime you don’t have enough staff for example, employees are on holidays then you should get the work from small staff nymbers in the proper manner.

In conclusion, these are all the main objectives that HR performs. If HR works all these activities properly then the results will positive. Behind every successful company, there are some activities that are performed by HR.  

Author Bio

Bertha Floris is a HR consultant. Currently, she is working for Law Essay Writing Help. She is a qualified person. In this article she shares experiences and knowledge with our organization.