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Classification of Human Resources Management

Human resources generally refers to the knowledge, skills, abilities and motivation of individual employees in a company. In this context, the term "human capital" should be mentioned. In order to use the collective competences of the employees in the interests of the company, a strategic management for coordination is necessary. This task in HR management is handled by the HR departments. Human resources management thus takes care of all interests and processes that arise in connection with the staff.

Unlike financial and physical resources, capital, machinery, equipment and buildings, human resources must be viewed in the direct context of the company's employed workforce. These are defined not by the mere number and presence, but by the work to be done by the workforce for the company. Personnel development looks at mental and social skills over a period of time in which this service is to be paid. The handling of this resource is the responsibility of Human Resource Management, HR for short.

Background of the Human Resource management

Nowadays, human resources management is a matter of course. But that was not always the case. Both this article and the following will take a closer look at the history of human resources management and explain how it has come to meet today's standards. The origins of today's personnel management can be traced back to the year 1115 BCE. Attributed back. Employee selection has already been introduced in China at the time. The apprentice system was then first introduced by the Greek and Babylonian civilizations.

Ultimately, however, it was the industrial revolution that made the need for a human resource management system clear. With the shift from agriculture to industry, companies realized that they needed to find ways to hire and retain skilled workers. During this time, Adam Smith also wrote his book ' Wealth of Nations ' in which he explained the benefits of specialization. He found that this increased the development of skills and saved a lot of time and specialized equipment for individual tasks can be produced.

Responsibilities of Human Resource Management

One of the main tasks of HR management, is the optimal planning of the human resource in order to achieve the best possible company result. On closer inspection, this results in several sub-disciplines: the planning, procurement, retention and the targeted use of personnel in all areas of the company. Beyond these classical tasks, current times demand new solutions through a functioning Human Resource Management. Thus, in addition to the classical administrative areas, additional areas of responsibility have been added over the course of time. Businesses have a social responsibility towards their employees, whom they need to be aware of and follow. Successful completion of these tasks and satisfied employees can increase productivity and give you a competitive edge. Already in the early years of personnel development, smart supervisors have contributed to a positive and performance-enhancing working atmosphere.

In order for the right employee to be at the right place at the right time, Human Resource Management also has the important task of accurately and correctly assessing personal abilities both physically and mentally. Only in this way can the productivity and efficiency of the company be increased in the long term and sustainably.


Well managed, companies can benefit from their Human Resource. If the employer considers the employee to be sensitive to all his worries, needs, wishes and goals, he or she can achieve the greatest possible motivation of the employees. This results in the optimal provision of work performance. A win-win situation for both sides. Regardless of the wording, the company's competitiveness is enhanced by not only showing the employer an open mind to social responsibility, but actively accompanying it.

This promotes corporate culture and enhances the feeling of togetherness. It does not matter internally whether one speaks of human capital, resources, employees or staff. Here, the lived attitude and whether it succeeds in transferring these to the employees. When current employees send out positive signals about their employer, they are perceived by professionals, applicants, students and the public. This increases the likelihood of attracting and developing the best employees in the future.

Author Bio

Ellie Singh is the utmost eminent human resource manager serving in the prominent organization located in the United Kingdom. In addition, she also offers her services at Essay Help UK for the support of all students in their academic voyage to accomplishment of educational objectives as well.