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An organization is like a cart on four different wheels or an aero-plane having strong turbines, engines, wings, machines and small landing gear along with wheels. Despite the fact that the wheels seem to be the smallest element within the airplane, their importance lies when it comes to landing. A single failure in any one of the wheels even can disrupt the whole landing of the airplane. This is exactly how an organization works and is structured. Some departments within the organization which are not the core revenue generating departments of the company might seem odd or un-wanted, but one can only realize their importance when it comes to their needs.

One of those departments is the human resource department. It is a function of organization which helps the company to gather the best talent in order to fill up manpower needs and job roles that can take the company to success. Without good employees, a company can never reach a level of success at any stage. This is what makes HR such an important department of its kind. Today’s world since it’s more competitive, the requirement to forecast and manage talent in such a way that the organization gets full value out of it is something that HR should excel in. The planning in Human Resource department is more important today than ever before. Our guest post blog today will focus on four reasons why this human resource planning is so important and how can it determine the success factor at your company.

Future resource needs and management

When it comes to forecasting how many people will be required, it is the job of the Human Resource to plan out the manpower needs. Sitting with managers of various departments much before the time comes, HR can focus on planning out the future vacancies and also a solution to fill them. It can cost a company so much if there is no one to work on something which is relevant to the revenue making schemes. It can also put a negative impact if existing employees are forced to double their shifts just because manpower requirements were not properly planned out.

Attract Talent

Through various compensation schemes, and salary offers, HR is the best department to attract some of the top talents in the market. It is the department that can truly gauge the understanding of the job role and its demands as well as fit the right talent in that place.

Retain Employees

Over the time, employees will leave you as they get better chances with the competition. It is the HR’s planning and forecasting as well as designing of schemes and programs that can retain those employees and makes them loyal. A bad appraisal planning or human resource planning can put off all employees and increase employee turnover.

Gather information

Market intelligence of what other competitive companies are doing in their departments, how employees are working internally, is also the part of human resource planning as it helps the company set its benchmark and competition effectively in the market.

Author Bio

Julia Jefferson is the author of this blog post. Julia works as a human resource director in a multinational in UK. She likes to stay active in HR related discussions online and often posts her blogs on the website Assignment writing service from Assignment land.